Originally posted in my “for friends only” multiply account last 060609. Posted here as I find that I still believe in what I said then.Because I am quite opinionated, here are a few thoughts I have on rain dressing.
1. I still stand by what I said a few years back – wedges are the perfect rain weather shoes. They are high enough to get you through a bit of flood and with enough sole to avoid slipping. If you can get the really expensive but uber-comfortable and stylish plastic platform wedges, do get them NOW. But if not, your regular wedges will and must suffice.
2. Hooded jackets are not exactly the best addition to a really classic and conservative outfit as I believe that they tend to lend a certain amount of spunk. Fortunately for me since I am rarely seen in such a classic and conservative oufit, hooded jackets are my uniform of choice for now. They really help a lot especially if you’re commuting because opening your umbrella sometimes take quite a while. Also, if it’s just ambon, hooded jackets are already enough so that you won’t end up carrying a wet umbrella.
3. A substitute for the hooded jacket, just in case you’re going for a more polished look, is the blazer jacket/sweater/cardigan and cool hat combination. Take note: a hat or whatever it is you call headgear that is so not a baseball cap.
4. A real and practical must-have is the waterproof bag. Correction: a stylish waterproof bag. My current bags of choice – a dark beige Bric’s shoulder bag which miraculously fits just about everything and a black Kenneth Cole Reaction mini-tote for my baon. Alternates – either the black or beige Aldo office tote (this is what I call it as it is leather and is huge enough for all my office stuff) or the LeSportsac classic hobo. And yes, these are all waterproof. Trust me, they’ve survived walking in countless downpours with me. Not to mention the fact that they’re almost always full to their utmost capacity.
5. Because our weather is utterly unpredictable, what goes on underneath those cover-ups should be adaptable just in case the sun decides to come out in the middle of the day. Personally, I prefer anything sheer or sleeveless. Unless of course I am absolutely sure that I’ll be spending the day inside an air-conditioned office or that the sun is on a permanent hiatus that day.
6. This is one thing I absolutely love about this weather (aside from staying in bed with absolutely nothing to do) – layering. Yes, this is the season to layer. As I am a big fan of wearing really loose clothing, I absolutely love layering even when I know I already look like a bundle of whatever. After all, layering practically provides the opportunity to adjust as needed.
7. Everything I have previously stated perfectly works for me – for most times. But even I, at certain times, break all my “rules” just because. So go put on shorts if you’d like even if it’s freezing out there. You can always pair them with ankle boots and a classic trench anyway. But I do suggest adding a pair of leggings. Because when it’s cold, it’s cold. Unless you happen to be one of those rare people who can withstand a high level of cold. Which I am so not.
These are just a few of my thoughts on this weather and how to survive without dressing like I did this afternoon – white tattered tee with “Too Cool” in neon pink lined gray lettering, cuff jeans or whatever you call it I really don’t know, rose pink Old Navy slippers, and my number “7″ black hooded jacket with white edging detail. Yes, I wore that outfit to the office. I also sported the whole bedhead hair and not a single trace of makeup look. I’m not proud of it because I looked like I just rolled out of bed and forced myself to go to work (which I actually did with the inclusion of a shower in between the rolling and the forcing). I did finish my work though but dressing super duper down is not an everyday thing. I justify it only for today as I was really not feeling well enough to even go to the office but since I did, being excused for looking like that should be reward enough.
So let’s all remain stylish even in this weather. :)
And p.s. dear female friends, please don’t forget to wear waterproof make-up if you absolutely must wear make-up. Personally, I prefer going make-up less at this time of the year as I love the feel of the rain on my face. :) And yes, it is quite tempting to stay out under the rain sometimes.. :)