This post is a bit overdue. I've been wanting to write about this for quite some time now but I've recently developed the habit of sleeping through almost my whole weekend, hence the lack of updates and things actually done. Anyway, this is about that one fashion show (053009) I attended with Cla and Anna at the not-so-recently concluded Philippine Fashion Week at SMX MOA. The designer was Michelle Lim and even though I knew nothing at all about her, the minute I woke up to Cla's phone call telling me that Anna got tickets to her fashion show, I knew without a doubt, that yes, I was going.
Never mind the fact that it was already around 1 in the afternoon and we had to be there by 4. Never mind the fact that we absolutely had no idea what to wear (okay fine of course we kind of did but you see it's always fun to kind of think a bit) or at least we really weren't ready with any outfit. (Go black - it never fails. Or wear heels with just about anything and you're instantly a whole lot dressier. For me, I went with my trusted "sando" and just went on from there.) Never mind the fact also that it was really raining hard that day and yes, even in those events I always bring an umbrella (though I did not use it). Nor that tiny little fact that we had a submission due around lunchtime that coming Tuesday (the fashion show was on a Saturday) and we haven't started at all (now that submission is a whole other story, will probably write about it some time as I learned a lot from that one).
So regardless of, and no matter what, I found myself meeting Cla at Trinoma, not having eaten anything yet except a pack of Skyflakes, walking in freaking heels (yes, I'm kind of back to not wearing heels), riding the MRT, and meeting Anna at KFC Taft MRT Station. We finally met Anna who just came from an overnight, totally unprepared to go to a fashion show, since the tickets were kind of really last minute. But yes, she did have some make-up in her bag and just worked her magic with a little ponytail, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. Semi-smokey eye is a relatively easy way to instantly glam up never mind the fact that you're wearing a t-shirt and jeans. When you own it, you own it and that's exactly what Anna did complete with her backpack and laptop bag. Also, a semi-smokey eye is really easy to do (I call it semi-smokey as the smokey eye actually includes eyeshadow. The semi-smokey eye just needs dark eyeliner or at least that's my version of it.) Plus, it's okay to be messy with it and really smudgy. Or maybe that's just because I like the kinda goth emo look these days lol.
Anyway, on to the show... The tickets were courtesy of Anna's friend Giki who was also with two of her girlfriends. I honestly have to admit that being able to go to Philippine Fashion Week is like one of my super dreams. It's the next best thing from actually being able to go to NY Fashion Week or being served pasta or any dish for that matter prepared by Mario Battali or Giada de Laurentiis or Bobby Flay (but then I'm going off my fashion wishlist and onto my food wishlist just by mentioning their names lol). So anyway, we were there on the sidelines taking pictures (we didn't really have cameras so we made do with our, their, camera phones) when we got asked if we wanted to sit in the front row.. Ummmm... I would have said duh but then that would be kind of uncool so I just said yes. :D And so we stood up to transfer, all the while thinking that we would be sitting in the front row at the side of the runway... But the person led us to the front row in the seats located in the middle of the two runways. o_O Waaaah. Major moment. We were THIS close to the runway. We were right there. (But okay it's still not the same as walking the runway LOL.)
On to the clothes... Michelle Lim's designs were mostly formal wear which of course meant that the probability of me wearing one was really close to none since I don't really have that much formal events to go to. But if and when I do go to an event (i.e. Anna's wedding hehehe) and I'll be choosing from her collection, here are my picks (which I'll be limiting to two with the exception of the finale dress):

I'd wear this one if I'm feeling good about myself that day because I have a feeling that this is the kind of dress that hugs your body and is sort of unforgiving even with the shearing or whatever it is you call it on the hips. Notice how the fabric clings to the model's thighs. Also, I'm not entirely sure that blue is the best color on me. I rarely wear blue because there are certain shades of blue that makes me feel a bit down. But I'd still wear this dress for the mere reason that it looks light and comfortable. Sort of like pajamas. :) But really, really glam pajamas.
Now this one is my favorite dress out of the entire collection. It reminds me of a fairy dress but with enough of that "something off" which I really, really like. I love the asymmetric detail of the neckline as well as the breezy feel of the skirt. I'd wear this dress even in different colors. I'd even wear it in pink lol. But I love this grey one. It's perfect as it is. I just hope it fits me. :D
And this was the finale dress.. I can't exactly remember if it was brocade or lace but what I absolutely loved about it was that it was black but with that right amount of something extra. Up close the dress was really gorgeous - the detailing exquisite, the swish of the skirt just right. If I were to have my debut again sans the pool party and the bikinis, I'd wear this dress. Complete with white rose petals strewn all over a black carpet in a black and white world with just one thing in red - the cake. Haha.
Overall the experience was exhilarating, not just because of the main event a.k.a. the fashion show, but also because of the events surrounding it. Stress levels were definitely high that day as well as panic mode as well as the undeniable "regret" of not having dressed up more for said show. I would've worn boots if given the chance to do over. Plus, I would've probably brought my MAC lip palette which rarely sees the light of day when it really should since it's just utterly gorgeous (The entire palette plus the colors. It's in jeweled turquoise as the shades fit me more than the jeweled amethyst one but if I was only given the chance or the money I would've collected them all for the mere sake of collecting.) It's quite rare that we're given the chance to have fun with a bit make-up and dress up a little more than usual. But oh well, what's done is done and the bottom line is we all had fun. And as there are always first times for everything and this one was right up there in the pyramid of uber-experiences, let's look forward to next year and hope that whatever happens (a repeat experience maybe?) will definitely top this one. It's a tough call most definitely because it is rare (for us mere mortals as opposed to the fashion royalty) to be able to attend a fashion show and sit in the middle front row. ;)
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