(Originally posted at my multiply site Aug 30, '09 1:33 AM)
Because I vowed to myself that I will write about this tonight and I'm on a pact to keep my promises to myself starting today..
The first concert I ever watched, as far as my memory serves me, was Freestyle's Live concert at the Araneta Coliseum. I watched it with Evie then, it was fourth year high school I think. I can still remember stretching the truth to tell my mother that we'll be watching with Jie and her family when we were really not. We saw them though for just a bit after the concert. It was a last minute thing, a spur of the moment decision. Two general ad tickets later and really crappy and uncomfortable seats, we realized we had enough money to pay for the next level of seats.. Even two levels higher on the scale in fact. But the thing we realized as we enjoyed the concert was that we didn't need to have the greatest seats in the world, it was enough to just be there. It was really funny though how our section was noticeably louder during the time that Andrew E. performed. But then, "Humanap Ka Ng Panget," is a definite classic. Of course, along with "Before I Let You Go.." which will forever be true and "Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang?" with matching fans' screaming after every line. At the end of the night though, I went home worried as I walked to my cousins' place near Araneta and Evie made her way home alone and my mother found out the truth. I could never tell a lie after that night. My mother made me realize how incredibly dangerous it was for us to have done that and especially Evie who went home alone. In those days, cellphones weren't the norm yet for us and I had to wait till the morning to call her if she got home. I remember tossing in my makeshift bed, uncomfortable in the clothes I had worn the entire day, praying, repeatedly and fervently, that if my friend makes it home, that I will never lie again. I can honestly say that after that night I could never tell a decent lie. I used to pride myself in knowing how to stretch the truth as life necessitates sometimes, but since then, it was always obvious and I had always had the urge to just say what I had to say regardless of the consequences. Honesty gets me in trouble these days. But might as well not have anything left unsaid.
The next concert I went to was during my first year college days, again at the Araneta Coliseum. Our block handlers and then-future org mates scored free tickets to 98 degrees' concert and of course, I went. College meant more freedom and my mother had only one rule - that someone will see to it that I get home. Thanks Chin for this (and for many other instances, past, present, and future, that I am forever grateful as you very well know). You might not remember it anymore but I hitched a ride with you and your friend. I remember rushing home after class to leave all my drafting things and take a bath and eat dinner. I have always loved the rush of going from one place to another with not a moment to even think twice. Even up to now, this is one of my favorite feelings in the world - the grabbing everything and going. And so I went, I took the jeep to Cubao via Kalayaan Ave. Cubao was my "turf" so to speak. We lived there once, we went there always. I used to know it like the back of my hand. I wasn't allowed to take the cab yet then so jeepney it was. I close my eyes now and distinctly remember the feel of the wind as the jeep passed the "bridge." I remember almost running after I got off at Ali-Mall because as always, yes even then, I was kinda late. Everyone was already there I think. I do not remember though who we were exactly. All I remember is that at the end of the night, I had fun. And that "This Gift" by 98 degrees will always be one of those songs that I wish someone, someday, will dedicate to me. (I chose dedicate because sometimes wishing someone to actually sing might potentially ruin the song.)
The next concerts I went to are in random order. I really couldn't remember their chronology anymore. There is one common factor in them all, one person actually.. For the longest time, I had always gone to concerts with Clarisse. (Should I start calling you Twinkle now? Everyone calls you Twinkle except me. I remain as calling you Cla. Even FB calls you Twinkle.) We watched Side A, Freestyle, and MYMP. I remember sitting behind the stage during this concert. And thanking them because one of them sang a song facing us at the back. All classics, all sentimental mode. We have always loved them. "A Little Bit" for some reason no one else but me knows will always have a special place in my heart. For what never was, it will always be there.
Another concert we went to was the first concert of the Pussycat Dolls, once again held at the Araneta Coliseum. (Seems like I really love Araneta Coliseum. You would barely find me traipsing all the way to MOA concert grounds or Fort until way later. I still have a reluctance even up to now.) I remember Cla and I buying various stuff from Gateway because of their promo for discounted tickets. And I remember winning general admission tickets from some contest that I gave to my guy friends from college because I was sure that they would appreciate it. This was also the night that Mark had his picture taken with Roxanne because Ron just didn't have the guts. LOL. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of the said picture. Cla and I vowed while watching, that we will watch them again if ever they have another concert in Manila but of course this didn't happen due to extreme scheduling conflict. The one night they were here, we both had three different places to go to, each. "Don't Cha" will always be remembered as dedicated to someone though. Haha.
Another one (and Cla says this is counted because they performed and entertained us) was MYMP and Aiza live at Metro Bar. It was her birthday celebration so we got in for free. Yay thanks Tito! Loved MYMP as always. First tasted Smirnoffs. Hated the heels I wore then, which I still have up to now but never actually use because they hurt my feet but are way too cute to just give away. Loved Aiza's rendition of Runaway. I said to myself then that I would have that as my wedding song (Aiza's version and not The Corrs') but of course Judy Ann and Ryan beat me to it.. Along with hundreds of others who used that song as their wedding song. LOL. Let's have some originality people. Let's go for some a bit unknown song like Maria Mena's "You are the Only One" or Duffy's "Oh Boy." LOL. Or better yet, let's just simply move on.
The next series of concerts are random events that may not even count as concerts. Of course there were the college concerts, the ones we may actually have performed in. Haha. Once I watched MYMP again at Bahay ng Alumni. Like Cla said, was I a fan? Hahaha. I just don't think it proper not to mention this concert as I suddenly remembered it. What use is a documentation not properly done? To accidentally forget is different from intentional ignorance.
Another noted one, and this G, I'm sure you remember even if technically this doesn't count as a concert. (Not unless we count sitting outside the UP Fair at Sunken Garden till the dawn breaks because we were too cheap to actually pay the already quite cheap tickets because we can honestly hear them outside.) This was that night we accidentally saw Sugarfree hanging out in the shadows of the BA building and we urged you badly to get their autograph because we knew how much you liked them. (Yes, we knew how badly you liked them ever since you started singing "Mariposa" in the Arki Melchor lobby and we all started to not quite like the song anymore. Hehe. Peace!) This was also that night, that morning, that night, that I remember promises meant to be broken.
Let's bring in Anna into the mix shall we? We were supposed to watch Christina Aguilera at the Fort but we never went. I had to note this because that night, now, we both look back, and this I'm sure we do (because we really do), is pivotal. Pivotal in what way, in what sense, only we know. Different reasons. But this was the concert that never was. Quite apt. Quite the same.
On another note, here's a concert I watched with Anna and her cousin - Eraserheads the Final Set at the MOA concert grounds. And yes, it was free. :) Last minute thing as always and a whole lot of memories with this one. Yes I have a girl crush on Angel Aquino hehehe. I also remember dessert after. And fulfilling "professional" obligations beforehand by going to the furniture fair at SMX. "Fine Time" - this I think we don't have. Oh, and I remember splitting some Burger King meal to save money.
Finally, the last concert I watched, just last Friday - ASAP Sessionistas Live at the Araneta Coliseum. This was the first concert we watched without having a ticket beforehand. (Well, except for the first ever Freestyle one because that was a major spur of the moment thing.) We only decided at the start of the week that we will watch because of some previous scheduling conflict which we eventually resolved. Pat went to the office, I had my first dinner as we ate at Five Cows (thanks Pat!) before he went to rush off to Hiyas ng Arki to pass his crown as then first runner up LOL. Ariel and I then went to Araneta while Cla was stuck in the MRT for almost two hours. Waaaa.. See Cla? I don't like Ayala station. Haha. Ariel and I somehow attracted the attention of a group of people who offered two of their tickets at a discounted price. We wanted to validate before buying so we ended up with him already inside, on the other side of the gate, and me outside, waiting for Cla. Thank goodness Cla texted, because honestly I didn't think of it, that I should go inside and she'll just text when she's there so I can go out to get her. Haha. I really didn't think of this one. Ariel and I ended up watching like "preso" the first two opening numbers of the Sessionistas. Richard Poon was the first solo act, and I beg to differ that "Please Release Me, Let Me Go" (or whatever the title of that song was) is not my song. You are wrong my friend. LOL. Cla finally arrived and missed just Richard Poon's set, for which I know she is grateful. Aiza's was one of the best, of course. I'm tempted to actually buy her Live album if only I'm not sponsoring my sister for the next few days. More group performances interspersed with solo acts - Sitti, Duncan, MYMP, Nina. I hope I didn't miss anyone. We had fun even if we were seated at an awkward location, with the huge screen behind us, thus causing some sort of stiff neck syndrome as we watched. Gary V. performed which was an ultimate bonus. Like he said in one of his songs, "Di Na Natuto." Now that one's my song.. Juris also rocked out to pop songs instead of their usual acoustics - she sang Alanis' "You Ought to Know" which is one of my favorite songs in the whole wide world. Haha. She did get to sing some of their other noted songs when she had a song-off with Nina near the end. Loved the entire concert. Loved my second dinner after at Inasal Chicken Bacolod. Urgh. Must watch eating habits. Couldn't resist chicken skin which for me may might as well be called some time death on a platter. Searched for dessert (not cake, because we already had cake at first dinner) at around midnight but couldn't find any. Headed home still in high spirits though with the usual wrap up talk of what is and what will be and the whole "we have to do this again soon."
So that was it. This is it. I end this night at an hour when I'm supposed to be sleeping already for a good three hours. I end this night in high spirits though as I have successfully recalled the concerts I have been to and the people who have always been there with me, whether in the actual concert or in the periphery. A tribute as always to the never ending music we all make, together and otherwise. If I have missed anything, or if there's a detail I failed to mention, it's dawn dears, please forgive me as I get tired too even if I'm writing. And yes, I have finally written again after quite a while. After a few unsuccessful attempts (I have quite a few drafts unpublished), I have finally finished an entire piece of writing. As for closure, I close because I have written. Finally.
Monday, November 1, 2010
First Time Mo?
(Originally posted at my multiply site Jun 17, '09 10:11 PM)
This post is a bit overdue. I've been wanting to write about this for quite some time now but I've recently developed the habit of sleeping through almost my whole weekend, hence the lack of updates and things actually done. Anyway, this is about that one fashion show (053009) I attended with Cla and Anna at the not-so-recently concluded Philippine Fashion Week at SMX MOA. The designer was Michelle Lim and even though I knew nothing at all about her, the minute I woke up to Cla's phone call telling me that Anna got tickets to her fashion show, I knew without a doubt, that yes, I was going.
Never mind the fact that it was already around 1 in the afternoon and we had to be there by 4. Never mind the fact that we absolutely had no idea what to wear (okay fine of course we kind of did but you see it's always fun to kind of think a bit) or at least we really weren't ready with any outfit. (Go black - it never fails. Or wear heels with just about anything and you're instantly a whole lot dressier. For me, I went with my trusted "sando" and just went on from there.) Never mind the fact also that it was really raining hard that day and yes, even in those events I always bring an umbrella (though I did not use it). Nor that tiny little fact that we had a submission due around lunchtime that coming Tuesday (the fashion show was on a Saturday) and we haven't started at all (now that submission is a whole other story, will probably write about it some time as I learned a lot from that one).
So regardless of, and no matter what, I found myself meeting Cla at Trinoma, not having eaten anything yet except a pack of Skyflakes, walking in freaking heels (yes, I'm kind of back to not wearing heels), riding the MRT, and meeting Anna at KFC Taft MRT Station. We finally met Anna who just came from an overnight, totally unprepared to go to a fashion show, since the tickets were kind of really last minute. But yes, she did have some make-up in her bag and just worked her magic with a little ponytail, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. Semi-smokey eye is a relatively easy way to instantly glam up never mind the fact that you're wearing a t-shirt and jeans. When you own it, you own it and that's exactly what Anna did complete with her backpack and laptop bag. Also, a semi-smokey eye is really easy to do (I call it semi-smokey as the smokey eye actually includes eyeshadow. The semi-smokey eye just needs dark eyeliner or at least that's my version of it.) Plus, it's okay to be messy with it and really smudgy. Or maybe that's just because I like the kinda goth emo look these days lol.
Anyway, on to the show... The tickets were courtesy of Anna's friend Giki who was also with two of her girlfriends. I honestly have to admit that being able to go to Philippine Fashion Week is like one of my super dreams. It's the next best thing from actually being able to go to NY Fashion Week or being served pasta or any dish for that matter prepared by Mario Battali or Giada de Laurentiis or Bobby Flay (but then I'm going off my fashion wishlist and onto my food wishlist just by mentioning their names lol). So anyway, we were there on the sidelines taking pictures (we didn't really have cameras so we made do with our, their, camera phones) when we got asked if we wanted to sit in the front row.. Ummmm... I would have said duh but then that would be kind of uncool so I just said yes. :D And so we stood up to transfer, all the while thinking that we would be sitting in the front row at the side of the runway... But the person led us to the front row in the seats located in the middle of the two runways. o_O Waaaah. Major moment. We were THIS close to the runway. We were right there. (But okay it's still not the same as walking the runway LOL.)
On to the clothes... Michelle Lim's designs were mostly formal wear which of course meant that the probability of me wearing one was really close to none since I don't really have that much formal events to go to. But if and when I do go to an event (i.e. Anna's wedding hehehe) and I'll be choosing from her collection, here are my picks (which I'll be limiting to two with the exception of the finale dress):

Overall the experience was exhilarating, not just because of the main event a.k.a. the fashion show, but also because of the events surrounding it. Stress levels were definitely high that day as well as panic mode as well as the undeniable "regret" of not having dressed up more for said show. I would've worn boots if given the chance to do over. Plus, I would've probably brought my MAC lip palette which rarely sees the light of day when it really should since it's just utterly gorgeous (The entire palette plus the colors. It's in jeweled turquoise as the shades fit me more than the jeweled amethyst one but if I was only given the chance or the money I would've collected them all for the mere sake of collecting.) It's quite rare that we're given the chance to have fun with a bit make-up and dress up a little more than usual. But oh well, what's done is done and the bottom line is we all had fun. And as there are always first times for everything and this one was right up there in the pyramid of uber-experiences, let's look forward to next year and hope that whatever happens (a repeat experience maybe?) will definitely top this one. It's a tough call most definitely because it is rare (for us mere mortals as opposed to the fashion royalty) to be able to attend a fashion show and sit in the middle front row. ;)
This post is a bit overdue. I've been wanting to write about this for quite some time now but I've recently developed the habit of sleeping through almost my whole weekend, hence the lack of updates and things actually done. Anyway, this is about that one fashion show (053009) I attended with Cla and Anna at the not-so-recently concluded Philippine Fashion Week at SMX MOA. The designer was Michelle Lim and even though I knew nothing at all about her, the minute I woke up to Cla's phone call telling me that Anna got tickets to her fashion show, I knew without a doubt, that yes, I was going.
Never mind the fact that it was already around 1 in the afternoon and we had to be there by 4. Never mind the fact that we absolutely had no idea what to wear (okay fine of course we kind of did but you see it's always fun to kind of think a bit) or at least we really weren't ready with any outfit. (Go black - it never fails. Or wear heels with just about anything and you're instantly a whole lot dressier. For me, I went with my trusted "sando" and just went on from there.) Never mind the fact also that it was really raining hard that day and yes, even in those events I always bring an umbrella (though I did not use it). Nor that tiny little fact that we had a submission due around lunchtime that coming Tuesday (the fashion show was on a Saturday) and we haven't started at all (now that submission is a whole other story, will probably write about it some time as I learned a lot from that one).
So regardless of, and no matter what, I found myself meeting Cla at Trinoma, not having eaten anything yet except a pack of Skyflakes, walking in freaking heels (yes, I'm kind of back to not wearing heels), riding the MRT, and meeting Anna at KFC Taft MRT Station. We finally met Anna who just came from an overnight, totally unprepared to go to a fashion show, since the tickets were kind of really last minute. But yes, she did have some make-up in her bag and just worked her magic with a little ponytail, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. Semi-smokey eye is a relatively easy way to instantly glam up never mind the fact that you're wearing a t-shirt and jeans. When you own it, you own it and that's exactly what Anna did complete with her backpack and laptop bag. Also, a semi-smokey eye is really easy to do (I call it semi-smokey as the smokey eye actually includes eyeshadow. The semi-smokey eye just needs dark eyeliner or at least that's my version of it.) Plus, it's okay to be messy with it and really smudgy. Or maybe that's just because I like the kinda goth emo look these days lol.
Anyway, on to the show... The tickets were courtesy of Anna's friend Giki who was also with two of her girlfriends. I honestly have to admit that being able to go to Philippine Fashion Week is like one of my super dreams. It's the next best thing from actually being able to go to NY Fashion Week or being served pasta or any dish for that matter prepared by Mario Battali or Giada de Laurentiis or Bobby Flay (but then I'm going off my fashion wishlist and onto my food wishlist just by mentioning their names lol). So anyway, we were there on the sidelines taking pictures (we didn't really have cameras so we made do with our, their, camera phones) when we got asked if we wanted to sit in the front row.. Ummmm... I would have said duh but then that would be kind of uncool so I just said yes. :D And so we stood up to transfer, all the while thinking that we would be sitting in the front row at the side of the runway... But the person led us to the front row in the seats located in the middle of the two runways. o_O Waaaah. Major moment. We were THIS close to the runway. We were right there. (But okay it's still not the same as walking the runway LOL.)
On to the clothes... Michelle Lim's designs were mostly formal wear which of course meant that the probability of me wearing one was really close to none since I don't really have that much formal events to go to. But if and when I do go to an event (i.e. Anna's wedding hehehe) and I'll be choosing from her collection, here are my picks (which I'll be limiting to two with the exception of the finale dress):

I'd wear this one if I'm feeling good about myself that day because I have a feeling that this is the kind of dress that hugs your body and is sort of unforgiving even with the shearing or whatever it is you call it on the hips. Notice how the fabric clings to the model's thighs. Also, I'm not entirely sure that blue is the best color on me. I rarely wear blue because there are certain shades of blue that makes me feel a bit down. But I'd still wear this dress for the mere reason that it looks light and comfortable. Sort of like pajamas. :) But really, really glam pajamas.
Now this one is my favorite dress out of the entire collection. It reminds me of a fairy dress but with enough of that "something off" which I really, really like. I love the asymmetric detail of the neckline as well as the breezy feel of the skirt. I'd wear this dress even in different colors. I'd even wear it in pink lol. But I love this grey one. It's perfect as it is. I just hope it fits me. :D
And this was the finale dress.. I can't exactly remember if it was brocade or lace but what I absolutely loved about it was that it was black but with that right amount of something extra. Up close the dress was really gorgeous - the detailing exquisite, the swish of the skirt just right. If I were to have my debut again sans the pool party and the bikinis, I'd wear this dress. Complete with white rose petals strewn all over a black carpet in a black and white world with just one thing in red - the cake. Haha.
Overall the experience was exhilarating, not just because of the main event a.k.a. the fashion show, but also because of the events surrounding it. Stress levels were definitely high that day as well as panic mode as well as the undeniable "regret" of not having dressed up more for said show. I would've worn boots if given the chance to do over. Plus, I would've probably brought my MAC lip palette which rarely sees the light of day when it really should since it's just utterly gorgeous (The entire palette plus the colors. It's in jeweled turquoise as the shades fit me more than the jeweled amethyst one but if I was only given the chance or the money I would've collected them all for the mere sake of collecting.) It's quite rare that we're given the chance to have fun with a bit make-up and dress up a little more than usual. But oh well, what's done is done and the bottom line is we all had fun. And as there are always first times for everything and this one was right up there in the pyramid of uber-experiences, let's look forward to next year and hope that whatever happens (a repeat experience maybe?) will definitely top this one. It's a tough call most definitely because it is rare (for us mere mortals as opposed to the fashion royalty) to be able to attend a fashion show and sit in the middle front row. ;)
Ang Pangarap Kong Fireworks
(Originally posted at my multiply site May 30, '09 1:19 AM)
May fireworks ng onti kanina sa SM North.. Bigla ko tuloy naalala ang isa sa mga pinapangarap ko na mangyari - ang makapanuod ng fireworks kasama ng taong gusto ko. :D
Para kasing nakakatuwa lang ung mga ilaw sa langit, iba't ibang kulay, iba't ibang binubuo. Parang simple lang na masaya (although mahal talaga ang fireworks sa totoo hahaha). Parang wala lang na masaya. Nakakamangha.
Pero hindi pa ata nangyayari to.. O kung nangyari man.. Hmmm.. May naisip ako na isang beses na pwede pala.. Kaso counted kaya un? Kasi dapat siguro mas malinaw ung pangarap ko - ang makapanuod ng fireworks kasama ng taong gusto ko at gusto din ako. Hahaha.
So para naman may point tong post ko na to at hindi lang paglalabas ng laman ng utak (as if puno ung utak ko although bukas kelangan ko siya na fully-functioning and uber-brilliant) o kaya e pagprapraktis sa pagsulat ng tagalog (na obvious naman na hindi successful).. Aalalahanin ko na lang ung mga events na may fireworks sa buhay ko...
Nagsimula ata ang lahat sa EK nung 2nd year ata yun kasama nina Nix, Chin, and Sar. Altho si Sar e kasama ung mga hs friends niya nun kahit na siya ung dahilan kung bakit kami nakapagEK ng libre. Hehehe. May fireworks display nung gabi na at naupo kami dun sa gitna ng mga tao. Dun ko ata nasabi sa sarili ko na parang masaya ung fireworks.

(Wala pala akong kopya nung EK pics na un kaya eto na lang isang lumang pic namin sa Bulacan field trip ata un.. Clockwise from right - Nix, Kats, Gel, Sar, Sui, Chin. Super classic ni Sui dito hehehe.)
After nun may fireworks kasi after every lantern parade sa UP. Kaso nagsimula lang ako manuod ng lantern nung actual lantern parade na kami ung batch na kasama. Masaya din un, ang maupo sa may amphitheater kasama ng mga kaibigang pagod sa pagbibitbit ng mga alitaptap.

(Nacorrupt ang lantern pics ko waaaa.. So eto ang isa sa mga sobrang onting natira - ang prototype ng lantern na hindi natuloy. Hahaha. Kanino kayang gawa ung mukhang halimaw na pacute sa ibabaw?? Hahaha.)

(Ang may gawa ng mukhang halimaw na pacute na lantern.. At sinu namang may balak pumarada sa acad oval na suot suot yan?? Hahaha.)
Ang isa naman na may sobrang gandang fireworks display daw ay yung last year - Jan 8 ata un, Centennial celeb ng UP, birthday ni Vincent, pagcelebrate ng unang uwi ni Ariel, at isang okasyon kung san madami daming college friends ang nagsama sama considering work night un. Swerte ko lang kasi dun ako sa Arki nakabase nun hehehe. Si Diego nga andun din. Si Chin, si Ron din dumating. Si Mark nga nakahabol pa e. Un nga lang, HINDI NAMIN NAPANUOD UNG FIREWORKS!!! OMG. Lahat ng tao na nakapanuod sabi sobrang ganda daw as in. Kaso hindi namin napanuod kasi umalis kami sa UP sakto nung malapit na siyang magsimula. Kasi imbis na sa Chocolate Kiss na lang kami ilibre ni Ariel e napadpad kami sa Katipunan nun. Waaaaaaa. Masaya pa din naman ung gabi kasi nga sama sama lahat pero once in your lifetime lang mag 100 years ang UP. At once in your lifetime lang ung ganung fireworks display na malamang ginastusan nila. At hindi namin napanuod. So near yet so far. Buti man lang kung masarap ung kinainan namin e hindi din. Ang pinalitan niya e ung fireworks at ung Devil's Food Cake at Choco Chip Cheesecake at Pesto Chicken and Penne sa Choc Kiss. OMG. Asa pa daw ba na umabot kami sa fireworks sa pagbabalik. Medyo nagkabadtripan ata nun dahil dun e hahaha. Ambabaw at ang lalalim at the same time ng mga tao. Natatawa na lang ako at napapailing sa almost but never quite made it na moment na un ngaung inaalala ko siya.
Hindi din naman ako nakakapanuod nung fireworks display na pinupuntahan ni Cla tuwing meron.. Cla, anung event un? Hehehe. Hindi din ako lumalabas pag may mga okasyon tulad ng New Year kaya wala din ako masyado nakikita. Maliban na lang pag sumilip ako sa labas ng bahay namin nun kaso puro usok kaya hindi na lang pala. Kaya ang isa sa mga pinakahuling fireworks event na napuntahan ko ay yung sa Disneyland nung nagpunta kami ni Anna at Ariel sa HK nung December. Kaso naman dahil 8pm ang start niya at 10pm ang ferry ride namin papuntang Macau e naglalakad na kami patalikod sa labas ng Disneyland habang nagsisimula siya. Sayang. Ang ganda pa naman daw ng fireworks display dun. @_@
So un. Yan ang mga fireworks events sa buhay ko (at least sa pagkakatanda ko.) Ang pinakahuli pala ay sa SM North hehehe. Kaya Cla, isama mo naman ako pag meron pa nung event na pinupuntahan mo although di ko maalala talaga kung anu un or kung meron pa nun this year. Sa birthday ko magfifireworks tayo hahaha. Kaso ung tipong recorded lang sa cellphone tapos itataas natin ung cellphone sa may night sky at uupo sa labas para kunyari totoong fireworks. Low budget kasi e kaya technology based na muna hahaha.
Sige sige, matutulog na ko at sana sa susunod kong post e english na. Di ata talaga ko pwede magsulat ng tagalog. Masakit ata sa tenga basahin. :P
May fireworks ng onti kanina sa SM North.. Bigla ko tuloy naalala ang isa sa mga pinapangarap ko na mangyari - ang makapanuod ng fireworks kasama ng taong gusto ko. :D
Para kasing nakakatuwa lang ung mga ilaw sa langit, iba't ibang kulay, iba't ibang binubuo. Parang simple lang na masaya (although mahal talaga ang fireworks sa totoo hahaha). Parang wala lang na masaya. Nakakamangha.
Pero hindi pa ata nangyayari to.. O kung nangyari man.. Hmmm.. May naisip ako na isang beses na pwede pala.. Kaso counted kaya un? Kasi dapat siguro mas malinaw ung pangarap ko - ang makapanuod ng fireworks kasama ng taong gusto ko at gusto din ako. Hahaha.
So para naman may point tong post ko na to at hindi lang paglalabas ng laman ng utak (as if puno ung utak ko although bukas kelangan ko siya na fully-functioning and uber-brilliant) o kaya e pagprapraktis sa pagsulat ng tagalog (na obvious naman na hindi successful).. Aalalahanin ko na lang ung mga events na may fireworks sa buhay ko...
Nagsimula ata ang lahat sa EK nung 2nd year ata yun kasama nina Nix, Chin, and Sar. Altho si Sar e kasama ung mga hs friends niya nun kahit na siya ung dahilan kung bakit kami nakapagEK ng libre. Hehehe. May fireworks display nung gabi na at naupo kami dun sa gitna ng mga tao. Dun ko ata nasabi sa sarili ko na parang masaya ung fireworks.

(Wala pala akong kopya nung EK pics na un kaya eto na lang isang lumang pic namin sa Bulacan field trip ata un.. Clockwise from right - Nix, Kats, Gel, Sar, Sui, Chin. Super classic ni Sui dito hehehe.)
After nun may fireworks kasi after every lantern parade sa UP. Kaso nagsimula lang ako manuod ng lantern nung actual lantern parade na kami ung batch na kasama. Masaya din un, ang maupo sa may amphitheater kasama ng mga kaibigang pagod sa pagbibitbit ng mga alitaptap.
(Nacorrupt ang lantern pics ko waaaa.. So eto ang isa sa mga sobrang onting natira - ang prototype ng lantern na hindi natuloy. Hahaha. Kanino kayang gawa ung mukhang halimaw na pacute sa ibabaw?? Hahaha.)
(Ang may gawa ng mukhang halimaw na pacute na lantern.. At sinu namang may balak pumarada sa acad oval na suot suot yan?? Hahaha.)
Ang isa naman na may sobrang gandang fireworks display daw ay yung last year - Jan 8 ata un, Centennial celeb ng UP, birthday ni Vincent, pagcelebrate ng unang uwi ni Ariel, at isang okasyon kung san madami daming college friends ang nagsama sama considering work night un. Swerte ko lang kasi dun ako sa Arki nakabase nun hehehe. Si Diego nga andun din. Si Chin, si Ron din dumating. Si Mark nga nakahabol pa e. Un nga lang, HINDI NAMIN NAPANUOD UNG FIREWORKS!!! OMG. Lahat ng tao na nakapanuod sabi sobrang ganda daw as in. Kaso hindi namin napanuod kasi umalis kami sa UP sakto nung malapit na siyang magsimula. Kasi imbis na sa Chocolate Kiss na lang kami ilibre ni Ariel e napadpad kami sa Katipunan nun. Waaaaaaa. Masaya pa din naman ung gabi kasi nga sama sama lahat pero once in your lifetime lang mag 100 years ang UP. At once in your lifetime lang ung ganung fireworks display na malamang ginastusan nila. At hindi namin napanuod. So near yet so far. Buti man lang kung masarap ung kinainan namin e hindi din. Ang pinalitan niya e ung fireworks at ung Devil's Food Cake at Choco Chip Cheesecake at Pesto Chicken and Penne sa Choc Kiss. OMG. Asa pa daw ba na umabot kami sa fireworks sa pagbabalik. Medyo nagkabadtripan ata nun dahil dun e hahaha. Ambabaw at ang lalalim at the same time ng mga tao. Natatawa na lang ako at napapailing sa almost but never quite made it na moment na un ngaung inaalala ko siya.
Hindi din naman ako nakakapanuod nung fireworks display na pinupuntahan ni Cla tuwing meron.. Cla, anung event un? Hehehe. Hindi din ako lumalabas pag may mga okasyon tulad ng New Year kaya wala din ako masyado nakikita. Maliban na lang pag sumilip ako sa labas ng bahay namin nun kaso puro usok kaya hindi na lang pala. Kaya ang isa sa mga pinakahuling fireworks event na napuntahan ko ay yung sa Disneyland nung nagpunta kami ni Anna at Ariel sa HK nung December. Kaso naman dahil 8pm ang start niya at 10pm ang ferry ride namin papuntang Macau e naglalakad na kami patalikod sa labas ng Disneyland habang nagsisimula siya. Sayang. Ang ganda pa naman daw ng fireworks display dun. @_@
So un. Yan ang mga fireworks events sa buhay ko (at least sa pagkakatanda ko.) Ang pinakahuli pala ay sa SM North hehehe. Kaya Cla, isama mo naman ako pag meron pa nung event na pinupuntahan mo although di ko maalala talaga kung anu un or kung meron pa nun this year. Sa birthday ko magfifireworks tayo hahaha. Kaso ung tipong recorded lang sa cellphone tapos itataas natin ung cellphone sa may night sky at uupo sa labas para kunyari totoong fireworks. Low budget kasi e kaya technology based na muna hahaha.
Sige sige, matutulog na ko at sana sa susunod kong post e english na. Di ata talaga ko pwede magsulat ng tagalog. Masakit ata sa tenga basahin. :P
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Pre-Summer/Summer/Post-Summer 2010
Because I just had to have a post about the first part of the year.
0110 - La Mesa Eco Park half day with BFFs Cla and Anna. After which we headed to SMF and discovered the Mango outlet shop where I bought my red linen "pajama" pants. The shoes I'm trying out below belong to Anna now but I forgot the name of the shop.

0116 - Kamay Kainan at Market Market with beloved college friends. The picture below was taken upon transferring to Agave.

0227 - Site Visit at Cavite. I will probably do an entire post regarding Bellefort Estates sometime soon. In the meantime do visit http://www.bellefortphilippines.com.

0327 - Changing Lives Concert with Timbaland, Justin Timberlake and Jojo. With my lovable cousins. All free. :D (I just had to include an outfit shot because we had lots.. Haha.)

0331 - Surprise baby shower for Gel as well as Chin's despedida. (As I'm writing this, Gel has given birth to Baby Amara!! Welcome to the wonderful world! Congrats to Chris and Gel!)

0401-0403 - And so I didn't sleep... Because early the next morning we headed to San Juan, Batangas for our now yearly Holy Week sojourn.

0414 - Shopping for room supplies with my dear mother as we underwent the great room swap 2010. Haha. I just documented my outfit for the day even if all I focused on was this Rayban sunglasses I found around here.

0425 - Tita Clariz's birthday celebration at where else?? Batangas! Haha. Beach love! :D

0508 - Ye's birthday at Trinoma. Busy busy day!

0609 - Iceberg's Metrowalk. Because we just love last minute get-togethers especially when we're all super super stressed. Plus, major ice cream fest!

0709 - Last minute concert.. Usher in Manila! (Which reminds me that I don't have decent pics of us from the Then and Now concert where we were actually in the VIP section??? But! I did have way decent pictures of Asher Book then. Haha. I'll probably do an entire post on the concerts I went to this year.. Next up - John Mayer!! If not, Boyz II Men...)

0110 - La Mesa Eco Park half day with BFFs Cla and Anna. After which we headed to SMF and discovered the Mango outlet shop where I bought my red linen "pajama" pants. The shoes I'm trying out below belong to Anna now but I forgot the name of the shop.

0116 - Kamay Kainan at Market Market with beloved college friends. The picture below was taken upon transferring to Agave.
0227 - Site Visit at Cavite. I will probably do an entire post regarding Bellefort Estates sometime soon. In the meantime do visit http://www.bellefortphilippines.com.
0327 - Changing Lives Concert with Timbaland, Justin Timberlake and Jojo. With my lovable cousins. All free. :D (I just had to include an outfit shot because we had lots.. Haha.)

0331 - Surprise baby shower for Gel as well as Chin's despedida. (As I'm writing this, Gel has given birth to Baby Amara!! Welcome to the wonderful world! Congrats to Chris and Gel!)

0401-0403 - And so I didn't sleep... Because early the next morning we headed to San Juan, Batangas for our now yearly Holy Week sojourn.
0414 - Shopping for room supplies with my dear mother as we underwent the great room swap 2010. Haha. I just documented my outfit for the day even if all I focused on was this Rayban sunglasses I found around here.

0425 - Tita Clariz's birthday celebration at where else?? Batangas! Haha. Beach love! :D
0508 - Ye's birthday at Trinoma. Busy busy day!
0609 - Iceberg's Metrowalk. Because we just love last minute get-togethers especially when we're all super super stressed. Plus, major ice cream fest!

0709 - Last minute concert.. Usher in Manila! (Which reminds me that I don't have decent pics of us from the Then and Now concert where we were actually in the VIP section??? But! I did have way decent pictures of Asher Book then. Haha. I'll probably do an entire post on the concerts I went to this year.. Next up - John Mayer!! If not, Boyz II Men...)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
CBTL Sundays
Last Sunday I went online as I always do upon waking up.. Lo and behold, I saw that Frozen Swirls were now available in CBTL Trinoma! @_@ - semi-waaaaah!! moment!! I immediately texted Cla to tell her of this fortunate fact as we've been trying to hunt them down (MOA and Morato during the o.m.g. "after party") to no avail. This event thankfully coincided with my scheduled meeting at (where else?) CBTL Trinoma that same day so I was able to try Berry'd Treasure which is a mixture of all sorts of berries swirled with the base. Full descriptions are available at the CBTL counters. I couldn't quite memorize much as my mind was focused on the design problem at hand (hence, the meeting, haha).
I don't exactly know how to review this yoghurt craze I'm slightly a fan of, but the Frozen Swirls are definitely worth a try with their numerous flavors especially if you're not much of a fan of the "sour" yoghurt (like Cla is not and which I so am). I miss my toppings though. So if you're a fan of the Frozen Swirls (and of FREE stuff) like Cla and I are, head on over to CBTL for the next 3 Sundays and get to try the different flavors. I'm looking at my schedule so far and the 25th (Eastwood Mall) and 1st (Greenhills Promenade) are still doable. The 8th is out of the question as I should be having lunch somewhere by that time already.
Anyway, even if I can't make it to any of the Sundays, let's spread the CBTL love! After all, this is a chance to try the Frozen Swirls for free! And yes, they have lots of flavors to try. :)
*Image courtesy of CBTL Philippines. (I got it from their FB page.)
**NTS: Must get Swirl card soon.

Anyway, even if I can't make it to any of the Sundays, let's spread the CBTL love! After all, this is a chance to try the Frozen Swirls for free! And yes, they have lots of flavors to try. :)

**NTS: Must get Swirl card soon.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Rain Dressing
Originally posted in my “for friends only” multiply account last 060609. Posted here as I find that I still believe in what I said then.
Because I am quite opinionated, here are a few thoughts I have on rain dressing.
1. I still stand by what I said a few years back – wedges are the perfect rain weather shoes. They are high enough to get you through a bit of flood and with enough sole to avoid slipping. If you can get the really expensive but uber-comfortable and stylish plastic platform wedges, do get them NOW. But if not, your regular wedges will and must suffice.
2. Hooded jackets are not exactly the best addition to a really classic and conservative outfit as I believe that they tend to lend a certain amount of spunk. Fortunately for me since I am rarely seen in such a classic and conservative oufit, hooded jackets are my uniform of choice for now. They really help a lot especially if you’re commuting because opening your umbrella sometimes take quite a while. Also, if it’s just ambon, hooded jackets are already enough so that you won’t end up carrying a wet umbrella.
3. A substitute for the hooded jacket, just in case you’re going for a more polished look, is the blazer jacket/sweater/cardigan and cool hat combination. Take note: a hat or whatever it is you call headgear that is so not a baseball cap.
4. A real and practical must-have is the waterproof bag. Correction: a stylish waterproof bag. My current bags of choice – a dark beige Bric’s shoulder bag which miraculously fits just about everything and a black Kenneth Cole Reaction mini-tote for my baon. Alternates – either the black or beige Aldo office tote (this is what I call it as it is leather and is huge enough for all my office stuff) or the LeSportsac classic hobo. And yes, these are all waterproof. Trust me, they’ve survived walking in countless downpours with me. Not to mention the fact that they’re almost always full to their utmost capacity.
5. Because our weather is utterly unpredictable, what goes on underneath those cover-ups should be adaptable just in case the sun decides to come out in the middle of the day. Personally, I prefer anything sheer or sleeveless. Unless of course I am absolutely sure that I’ll be spending the day inside an air-conditioned office or that the sun is on a permanent hiatus that day.
6. This is one thing I absolutely love about this weather (aside from staying in bed with absolutely nothing to do) – layering. Yes, this is the season to layer. As I am a big fan of wearing really loose clothing, I absolutely love layering even when I know I already look like a bundle of whatever. After all, layering practically provides the opportunity to adjust as needed.
7. Everything I have previously stated perfectly works for me – for most times. But even I, at certain times, break all my “rules” just because. So go put on shorts if you’d like even if it’s freezing out there. You can always pair them with ankle boots and a classic trench anyway. But I do suggest adding a pair of leggings. Because when it’s cold, it’s cold. Unless you happen to be one of those rare people who can withstand a high level of cold. Which I am so not.
These are just a few of my thoughts on this weather and how to survive without dressing like I did this afternoon – white tattered tee with “Too Cool” in neon pink lined gray lettering, cuff jeans or whatever you call it I really don’t know, rose pink Old Navy slippers, and my number “7″ black hooded jacket with white edging detail. Yes, I wore that outfit to the office. I also sported the whole bedhead hair and not a single trace of makeup look. I’m not proud of it because I looked like I just rolled out of bed and forced myself to go to work (which I actually did with the inclusion of a shower in between the rolling and the forcing). I did finish my work though but dressing super duper down is not an everyday thing. I justify it only for today as I was really not feeling well enough to even go to the office but since I did, being excused for looking like that should be reward enough.
So let’s all remain stylish even in this weather. :)
And p.s. dear female friends, please don’t forget to wear waterproof make-up if you absolutely must wear make-up. Personally, I prefer going make-up less at this time of the year as I love the feel of the rain on my face. :) And yes, it is quite tempting to stay out under the rain sometimes.. :)
Because I am quite opinionated, here are a few thoughts I have on rain dressing.
1. I still stand by what I said a few years back – wedges are the perfect rain weather shoes. They are high enough to get you through a bit of flood and with enough sole to avoid slipping. If you can get the really expensive but uber-comfortable and stylish plastic platform wedges, do get them NOW. But if not, your regular wedges will and must suffice.
2. Hooded jackets are not exactly the best addition to a really classic and conservative outfit as I believe that they tend to lend a certain amount of spunk. Fortunately for me since I am rarely seen in such a classic and conservative oufit, hooded jackets are my uniform of choice for now. They really help a lot especially if you’re commuting because opening your umbrella sometimes take quite a while. Also, if it’s just ambon, hooded jackets are already enough so that you won’t end up carrying a wet umbrella.
3. A substitute for the hooded jacket, just in case you’re going for a more polished look, is the blazer jacket/sweater/cardigan and cool hat combination. Take note: a hat or whatever it is you call headgear that is so not a baseball cap.
4. A real and practical must-have is the waterproof bag. Correction: a stylish waterproof bag. My current bags of choice – a dark beige Bric’s shoulder bag which miraculously fits just about everything and a black Kenneth Cole Reaction mini-tote for my baon. Alternates – either the black or beige Aldo office tote (this is what I call it as it is leather and is huge enough for all my office stuff) or the LeSportsac classic hobo. And yes, these are all waterproof. Trust me, they’ve survived walking in countless downpours with me. Not to mention the fact that they’re almost always full to their utmost capacity.
5. Because our weather is utterly unpredictable, what goes on underneath those cover-ups should be adaptable just in case the sun decides to come out in the middle of the day. Personally, I prefer anything sheer or sleeveless. Unless of course I am absolutely sure that I’ll be spending the day inside an air-conditioned office or that the sun is on a permanent hiatus that day.
6. This is one thing I absolutely love about this weather (aside from staying in bed with absolutely nothing to do) – layering. Yes, this is the season to layer. As I am a big fan of wearing really loose clothing, I absolutely love layering even when I know I already look like a bundle of whatever. After all, layering practically provides the opportunity to adjust as needed.
7. Everything I have previously stated perfectly works for me – for most times. But even I, at certain times, break all my “rules” just because. So go put on shorts if you’d like even if it’s freezing out there. You can always pair them with ankle boots and a classic trench anyway. But I do suggest adding a pair of leggings. Because when it’s cold, it’s cold. Unless you happen to be one of those rare people who can withstand a high level of cold. Which I am so not.
These are just a few of my thoughts on this weather and how to survive without dressing like I did this afternoon – white tattered tee with “Too Cool” in neon pink lined gray lettering, cuff jeans or whatever you call it I really don’t know, rose pink Old Navy slippers, and my number “7″ black hooded jacket with white edging detail. Yes, I wore that outfit to the office. I also sported the whole bedhead hair and not a single trace of makeup look. I’m not proud of it because I looked like I just rolled out of bed and forced myself to go to work (which I actually did with the inclusion of a shower in between the rolling and the forcing). I did finish my work though but dressing super duper down is not an everyday thing. I justify it only for today as I was really not feeling well enough to even go to the office but since I did, being excused for looking like that should be reward enough.
So let’s all remain stylish even in this weather. :)
And p.s. dear female friends, please don’t forget to wear waterproof make-up if you absolutely must wear make-up. Personally, I prefer going make-up less at this time of the year as I love the feel of the rain on my face. :) And yes, it is quite tempting to stay out under the rain sometimes.. :)
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