Sunday, April 22, 2012

Goals for the Week

I'm supposed to be sleeping by now (part of my goals) but I have to wait for the UX31 to finish updating. I got it back yesterday but only got around to tweaking it tonight. Turns out that takes time and I still don't know if it's already fully-functional as I couldn't add my bluetooth mouse before it started the whole update process. I'm thinking now if I should bring it back to the shop and have Asus fix it instead of just them. I kinda miss the Zenbook wallpaper I used to have actually. Anyway, that's a decision I'll have to make tomorrow when I've done my weekly sched as sending it back will mean days of no laptop which isn't really the best for work. So on to positive and productive things.. Here are my goals for this week:

1. Sleep early and wake up early. A friend used to tell me that rather than buying all the concealer in the world, sleeping early is the best thing to do. Not only is it healthier, it is also a hundred times cheaper. I need to get my sleeping pattern back to normal ASAP as Mother had only one rule way back when and I think it still applies until now - no one's allowed to drive with not enough sleep!

Which brings me to..

2. Renew my driver's license THIS week. The poor car is stuck with nowhere to go. I haven't even been taking care of it as I've been told repeatedly to at least start the engine once a day.

3. Drink 20 glasses of water per day. It is so hot right now and I really should keep myself hydrated. And Coke does not count.

4. Write that readmission letter. Deadline is May 2 dear. Or are you planning on going AWOL again? Yeah I figured you wouldn't so write that letter already!

5. Hmmm... Too many goals make me feel anxious so I guess I'll stop for now. One last goal will be - update blog!! This is one of my cheapest stress relievers these days which is why I'm semi-writing more often. It is easier to update on the UX31 though especially when I need to put photos and stuff. Not to mention updating from here is like typing from a touchscreen cellphone which is a complete waste of my above average typing skills.

UX31, you're still not done!?? 63 of 97? Should I give up now or just leave you be?

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